
About Me
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Here's more than you probably want to know about me...

On this page, I'll introduce myself. I'll talk about what my school, work, and family are like, or about some of the hobbies, sports, or clubs that I'm involved in.
Being in my skool sucks! im in seventh grade and im not a very good student. teachers  hate me. and the only thing good about skool is my friends and music. My hobbies are skateboarding writeing lyrics and being out alone. i play in a band called RAGDOLLS. im a drumer a guitar player and a singer.
i have no sports ever since my accsedent. i got in a dirtbike crash, and screwed up my knee. I used to play basketball but i blew my knee out at the championship game. and we lost. I would like to be smart but that would never happen. 

I'll also try to include some pictures that I feel represent me. For example, I might include a picture from my favorite movie or TV show, or a photo of a prized possession...for example, my dog or something else


Favorite Stuff

In this area, I'll list some of the things that I like best, for example:Music skateboarding and goofing off.

Favorite TV Show:charmed,angle,family guy,south park,
Favorite Movie:resident evil apopclaipse,and my streetteam movie
Favorite Music:anything but rap
Favorite Book:harry potter
Favorite Sports Team:boston red sox
Favorite Food:not shure
People I Most Admire:my friends and family and my chance and sassy(dog and cat)

Favorite Quotes
dont judge me till you have walked a mile in my shoes.
shut up
 leave me alone.
i whant the truth even if it hurts me.

In this area, I might include quotes I like or that I feel capture my feelings, for example:i have a confesion. im not perfect so get off my back.

The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend.
-Henry David Thoreau